Handling Life's Pressure II

Never give the devil credit whenever you are under pressure. Most times, pressure is part of God's will for us to make us constantly need him. Job and Jonah went through pressure of varying degrees, yet they didn't crack, they didn't give up on God. 

God will never allow you go through that challenge alone.  Remember the promise of God concerning you. He will always be with you in the midst of your distress.

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you
  will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. Isaiah 43:2 NLT 

Embrace the pressure that surrounds you today. Without the pressure, there will be no testimony. When God was going to create the world, there was darkness every where (pressure) but God didn't panic or crack. God spoke the word into the situation and power was released, the miracle was birthed. 

The treasure you need to overcome the pressure is in you. Pay close attention to your inner man (the spirit of God) and experience amazing testimonies. Surrender completely your pressure to God and it will become extremely light.
If God is for you, the pressure cannot be against you.

The concluding part of this series will be online on Thursday.
You are radically blessed.
Better things are happening


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