Nobody can help you become what you have been destined to become. Your parents, friends or foe, colleagues, pastor or imam, irrespective of the role they play in your life, they cannot help you become you. They can only put you on the path of becoming but the initiative and power to become is in tour hands and not in the hands of anyone. 

Evil forces or powers can only frustrate you by making you lose focus and forget the consciousness of who you are. Interestingly, their stronghold over your life is an advantage and it gives you an edge towards self realization and actualization.

The power of being lies in your hands. You were designed a unique breed with a destiny gene by God Almighty. There was a resounding ovation from the host of even when God pronounced you fearfully and wonderfully made. You were predestined for greatness and living a life of excellence, a life filled with surplus supplies is not a negotiation.

God has deposited put too much power on the inside of you that will make you journey here on earth exciting and adventurous. The power to dominate, the power to command things from a realm unseen, the power to multiply and to rule your world is in you. So you should know, there is no other person that has the same extraordinary personality as you. YOU ARE DIFFERENT – SO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Everything you need in life is not far from you, it is within you. The idea to dominate your world is on the inside of you –“…..according to the power that works in you”.  “…the kingdom is within you”. You don’t have any excuse to live this world without becoming a legacy. It will be sad if you gloriously exit the ace of the earth not becoming. So you know, there are too many generations tied to your loins, you must not fail them. You should disappoint the devil and his cohorts, disappoint you detractors, and succeed beyond imagination.

Stop procrastinating, start doing. The decision of becoming is yours to make. Be different in you approach, do things differently. You are unique in your own way. Don’t allow each day pass without taking a step towards becoming. JUST BE

In the last media interview which he had in Kenya on October 24, Dr. Munroe talked on KTN’s JKL Show about dying and about being unafraid of death.
He said: "I want to challenge every Kenyan to go to the cemetery and disappoint the graveyard. Die like the Apostle Paul who said I have finished my course, I have kept the faith and I have been poured out like a drink offering. There is nothing left. I am ready to die. That’s how I wanna die because there is nothing else for me left to die," he told the show’s host, Jeff Koinange. "When you die, die like I am planning to die. Empty. It’s finished," Munroe added.
Dr Munroe was bold to make this statement because he has already become and he was still becoming.
You won’t die now, be rest assured about that but just know that if you are not becoming, you are dying.
