See, we don’t have to wait for everything to be rosy or perfect before we exude happiness. There are moments where we just want to loose ourselves and just be happy irrespective of the circumstances. The beautiful thing about being happy everyday is that, it doesn’t just make us bright on the outside, it makes us radiate, glow and it is also contagious.
Here, we will be discovering a few tips we need to reset our attitude and enjoy long lasting happiness.
Most of us can easily be swayed into thinking that we will be happy as soon as things start falling in place. Sometimes, we even work extra hard to ensure that we sustain the things we have in our possession, because, we believe they fuel our happiness, they validate us and make us feel complete.
In the end, we even realize that these things don’t make us feel happy after all. Don’t fall prey, don’t become a victim by living in the illusion of being happy whereas you are not.
Realistically, happiness can become a reality when we constantly love yourself. We can truly achieve sustainable happiness from a pure space of self-love. Enjoying a beautiful relationship, a purpose-driven career and financial emancipation is dependent on our ability to dig deep into our inner man in other to allow happiness reflect more on the outside. Loving yourself more puts you on the right track towards overcoming that fearful perception, that may want to deny you access into your healing, perfection and wholesomeness.
A lot of people usually believe that something is wrong with them and because of that they can never truly live a fulfilled life. There is a need to debunk the false stories we’ve been telling ourselves. When we refuse to be limited by our thoughts and actions, we can finally experience happiness to its highest potential.
Creating and living in a life of happiness beyond your wildest imagination is possible.
You may want to try out the following ways to truly stay happy and refreshed.
The quickest and easiest way to build connectivity with the inner person is meditation. Your ability to reflect on certain practices and pay rapt attention to your inner mind will put you on track of long lasting happiness. Connecting with the inner person exposes you to a realm of wisdom and knowledge.
A voice will always whisper to your hears during this moment of self intimacy and in the process, you will always get the wisdom you need to stay on the right track and take the best decisions every day.
Slow down and get quiet enough to listen to your inner guide (a.k.a your intuition or your truth), and spend less time listening to other people’s opinions or the loud, critical voice inside your own mind (which often manifests as racing thoughts or 3a.m. panic).
One of the best practices for cultivating the ability to hear your inner guiding system is meditation. If finding the time to sit quietly is not realistic at the moment, an even simpler life-changing practice is to make daily mundane activities—such as brushing our teeth or standing in line at the grocery store—a time for quiet reflection. In these moments, ask for guidance and listen for some clear answers.
When we flex our spiritual muscle and connect with ourselves, it gives us access to an inner abundance of wisdom and knowledge (you’ll recognize it as a quiet, calm knowing voice). This inner source of wisdom will always guide us to our best right actions.
We have often time heard that happiness is a choice. To further buttress on this, the decision to live a life of happiness rest solely in your own hands. Nobody has the authority to decide if you should be happy or not. Happiness is dependent on you and you’ve got to decide what’s best for you.
Whenever we choose to stay happy, we automatically open ourselves to a state of possibilities. We start experiencing a different flow and release of energy towards those things we had abandoned.
The moment being happy no longer becomes an option but a lifestyle, we will start perceiving things from a different perspective and in the process, and we are ushered into a world where the impossible becomes possible; a world of solutions to any challenge we might encounter on the way.
To truly remain happy is dependent on your intention to be. There is no limitation when we choose happiness.
A lot of us are struggling to be happy. We are trying to work out happiness mechanically. We will keep struggling until we decide to flow with the tide. An individual who is struggling with the wave will drown faster. But if the same person decides to align himself to the wave, he will get to shore as quick as possible without drowning.
Most times, we need to yield, we need to give up on our natural strength and abilities and allow nature and life take its course. When we place a higher level of faith and trust in the process of life generally, we will be in control of situations. We would have been able to tap into the energy in the atmosphere which will propel us into a realm of possibilities filled with optimism.
Whatever we conceive in our mind as a desire will start finding expression in an unimaginable way.
We should never allow the challenges we go through put us in a box, rather we should joyfully pass through the challenges because of the glorious future of long lasting life of happiness, abundance and surplus that awaits us.
BE HAPPY…happiness is your birthright.
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