If you find it difficult speaking good about yourself, don't speak Evil of others. Your words are as sharp as a knife and it hurts so bad anytime you use it negatively.
"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences"
Proverbs 18:21 NLT
The words we speak are like seeds, when planted, it will either produce positive or negative results. A farmer who wants to harvest good crops at the end of each planting season will have to cultivate the soil and also make sure that there are no objects in the soil that will disrupt the growth of the seed.
At the end of the planting exercise, the farmer eagerly awaits the harvest time with the hope of harvesting fresh and healthy crops.
Whatsoever a man sows, that he will reap. The scripture doesn't lie. If you continue to speak negatively, without delay, it will become a reality. Those who are always negative with their speech will never enjoy the best life has to offer.
Psalm 141:3, says "Take control of what I say, O Lord; and guard my lips .”
You are a prophet and the scripture confirms that. If you continue to speak negatively, you are prophesying your future to turn out negative. It costs absolutely nothing to speak positively over your life. But if you consider it an uphill task, I will gladly do it for you with a few terms and conditions.

Chose your words wisely and don't be economical whenever you are speaking positively on yourself. Choose to speak positively and not negatively...... You are more than conqueror.
The second pat of this piece will be published soon.
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