Strategies for winning life's battles. We are constantly confronted with tremendous obstacles and challenges in life. Whether you like it or not, the enemy will not stop confronting you. You don’t have to be surprised if some unusual and heartbreaking things happen to you. As long as you are here on earth, you will have tribulations but your joy in the Lord will grant you victory over your adversary the devil.
If you think serving God will make life rosy for you, I think you are the biggest joker on the face of the earth and you need to wake up to the reality of life. Things will not come cheaply to you because you are a child of God. You’ve to go all out for it.

Scripture says in Matthew 11:12And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.(KJV). 

You need to have the right perspective towards life. If you don’t take what is yours, God won’t help you take it because He has given you everything richly to enjoy.
It would interest you to know that your spiritual stand and commitment to God does not in any way exempt you from challenges. 
As a matter of fact, challenges are just a part of our existence as humans and we have to face them headlong. 

The challenges we go through as individuals may not be connected to what we did in the past. It may be that you that you have having a battle with your health, your finance, your relationship or your career. Be rest assured that everyone in life, either big or small, go through challenges.

I’ve come to realize that the challenges or problems we respond to with the right perspective, has a way of advancing our life forward. Solving or overcoming a challenge is a license for you to solve other problems, no matter how big they appear. I know for sure that our lives will never be the same if we are able to develop the right attitude towards solving the challenges that confronts us.

The easiest way out of a problem is to solve it but if you keep running away from it like Jonah, be rest assured that it will cost you more pain in the future. The problems we face in life are solvable only if you have the right perspective. It will be the other way round if your perspective towards it is wrong.
Most times, I would say to myself, I don’t care about the problem I am facing in life, I don’t care if it is my world against the worlds, I know that no matter are tough the challenges appear to me, I have a God that is well able to see me through. He is the Great God of possibilities.

Listen friend, if you build the right attitude and an unshakable confidence in God, you will see that mountain falling before you just like it happened for Zerubbabel.   

"So, big mountain, who do you think you are?Next to Zerubbabel you're nothing but a molehill. He'll proceed to set the Cornerstone in place, accompanied by cheers: Yes! Yes! Do it!'
(Zechariah 4:7 MSG)  

God is personally concerned about you. He knows that you have needs; He has plans already written down for you even before you were born, He only wants you to develop the right perspective towards him. Scriptures says, all things are working for your God.

Apostle Peter in one of the epistle talked about how when your faith is tested and tried in the furnace of affliction, it will come out as pure gold and it will bring much praise, honour and glory to God. Your trial is a test of your faith. And untested faith has very little value. But faith that has been tested and tried in the furnace of affliction is one of the most precious possessions a person can ever have.

And remember, challenges never leave us the same. And don't you dare get negative and bitter and start blaming God or blaming other people. If you do that, you're playing right in to the enemy's hands. That's exactly what he wants you to do. You've got to make it backfire on him. Use those adversities as stepping stones to get you closer to God.
