God wants you to know that there is no
height, depth, pestilence, tribulations, or adversity that can separate us from
Him. Whether you believe it all not, you are more than conqueror, so you have
to live life each day with full assurance of faith that you are an overcomer. I
know for sure that if God be for you, nothing can be against you.

So be rest assured that you are tougher than
the challenges that surrounds you. As a matter of fact, that challenge presents
you with a golden opportunity for Christ to be revealed. Trust me, when Christ
is revealed, the power to constantly live victoriously is released to you.
One of the key ways to constantly live in
victory is to keep your eyes off the mountain of adversity that surrounds you
and you need to keep your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. In
other words, there must be a FOCUS SHIFT. Your focus should be on the TESTIMONY
and not the TEST; the VICTORY and not the VICTIMIZING situation; the SURPLUS
and PLENTY and not the FAMINE.
The problems only exist because your eyes
keep visualizing them. But if your focus is on the victory Jesus has given, you
will realize that the problem only exists in your imagination.
When God commanded Moses to go to Egypt and
ask Pharaoh to allow the children of Israel go,
Moses asked God this question.
Exodus 3:13-14
Then Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to
the People of Israel and I tell them, "The God of your fathers sent me to
you'; and they ask me, "What is his name?' What do I tell them?" God
said to Moses, "I-AM-WHO-I-AM. Tell the People of Israel, "I-AM sent
me to you.'"(MSG)
See, if we don’t learn to respond to certain
questions like God, we may never fully maximize his power; we may never live in
VICTORY. There is the I AM for every situation, be it finance, healing,
salvation, relationship, just name it. The Almighty, the creator of the whole
universe shifted the eyes of Moses from the present circumstances, to the
supernatural; from the problem to the solution, to a place without limitations.
You’ve got to recognize that everything was created for the pleasure of God. He
made the heavens and the earth by his great power and nothing is too difficult
for him.
So be
encouraged. Never allow that ugly situation interfere with your JOY TANK.
Always have reasons to stay happy and live in victory each day. As you
constantly strive to guard your MIND, also strive harder to guard your JOY
because Joy fuels everything that we do. There are times when depression may
set in probably as a result of you not being able to get a job, gain admission
into school, get a spouse, get good accommodation, live a good life, being laid
off from work, your spouse dumping you for no reason, etc. just say to
Say these
words to yourself each day....."I am a product of Grace. I am an
irresistible jewel in the sight of Kings. Nobody turns me down. I am created to
be envied and not to be pitied. I have a Godly heritage. I am productive, I am
super intelligent. I am a man of honour"
that you are the first prophet over your life. The words you speak each day can
guarantee you a life of VICTORY
I can’t
thank you enough. God bless you.
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