The attack on the body of Christ is the attack on FAITH. Philosophers have tried to define FAITH logically but the submission can be quite contradictory. According to Pastor Simon Adeola, 'Faith is the currency we use to transact with God'. 

In Hebrews 11, the concept of faith was clearly explained. We were made to understand that we can only please God by faith. Faith grants us access into the throne of Grace where we obtain mercy. This same faith guarantees us favor. We obtain answers and testimonies by the currency called faith; which is actually our legal tender.

Faith has no respect for time, just like the case of Sarah. It performs miraculous things in the life of people; it does amazing things; things that do not exist are brought into existence through faith. Jesus Christ did not pray on people, He spoke the word and the answer was giving according to the measure of the faith of the people.
Our authority is not in the loudness of our voice but in the quality of our faith. Faith make you fearless. We are well able to access territories of darkness. This we can do because we are the light. Whenever darkness sees the light, it fades away. 

Faith doesn’t do want is possible; it only does the impossible. We can call forth our next level by faith. Faith operates in the NOW principle. It doesn't panic during the time of crisis, even the devil shrinks at the display of faith (ask Elijah).

The proof of your faith is determined by the content of your heart, and it must come from the word of God. The first substance is God’s word. Where there is Substance without Evidence, there is no Faith. Faith doesn’t settle for less, it settles for the best. 

If we mix faith with our works, we will achieve insurmountable results. Faith gives us BOLDNESS, it thrives on confidence. We need to let people see the potency of faith in us. Our confession must not be negative, we should never conform to the challenges that surrounds us because faith doesn't give room for negativity.

Faith gives you an edge over any situation. Faith make things happen for you. It converts your lows to highs, it takes advantage of your low estate, using it as a springboard to lunch you into a whole new level. Faith is an active force. Through it the world was framed.

Rene De cartes said 'corgito ergo sum - I speak, therefore I am. What you speak is what you will become. You've to take the initiative and constantly speak what you desire over you life. You will get there.


